Hey. What do you know. I actually have something to write about! The boys and I just got back from a camping trip. We had alot of fun. We went to Trap Pond State Park in Laurel(Delaware,that is) We went Friday afternoon and came back today. Nothing says bonding like two nights in the woods. The park is really cool. It is loaded with LONG bike trails. And not to mention Trap pond. So we spent Friday afternoon and all day Saturday biking, fishing, rowboating, and kayaking. Oh, and let's not leave out wearing and consuming large quantities of dirt. We also kept a fire going the whole time, which you can see in the pictures. But since I can't stand the thought of paying for firewood, we scavengered through the woods to find any old logs we could. If it didn't have a pulse, we burned it. We also made all of our meals at camp. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The only thing we didn't do is shower. But wait, it gets better. We didn't even change our clothes. Nope, not a piece. Not that we didn't take clean clothes. We just never felt the urge to wear them. Did I mention Linda wasn't there? Without the Queen Mum present dictating proper camping etiquette, we were left to our own devices. It was on. Lord of The Flies, if you will. One example. The camp site we were on was actually on an island that you had to cross a small wooden bridge to get to. The water that the bridge crossed, the boys dubbed "Lugey Lake". (is that how you spell lugey?) Anyway, the logic behind the name? You guessed it. You had to spit one in the water every time you crossed. Oh, and we also took turns spitting into the fire, but that's another story. I'm convinced if we were to stay another day or so, the boys would have broke out the face paint. It was great. But by this morning, we were ready to go home. Two nights of sleeping outside when the temperature gets down to the mid forties makes you appreciate home even more. Anyway, that's the camping trip. Next time we camp is Memorial Day Weekend. Hope everyone's coming. I'll tell the boys no face paint, but I'm not making any promises.