Proverbs 16:9 - "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Writer's Block

Well, I've been having the urge to write again, but nothing really inspiring happening right now. I love writing about things that go on in my world, especially as they relate to my family. But it seems like the interesting things that are going on right now, are the same things that happened last year at this time. And I already wrote about them. Baseball season started. Yawn. I opened the pool last weekend. Boring. I developed a strange rash. Really? O.K. I didn't already write about that, nor did I actually develop a rash. But now that I'm thinking about it, I'm kinda wishing I did. The stories I could write about that! Anyway, after explaining my dilemma to my sister (the one who also doesn't write as much as she likes) she said "Well, write about that". "Write about what"? I asked. "The fact that everything is the same and you have nothing new to write about". Brilliant, I thought. And she was right. I just held your attention for a minute or so while you read about nothing. I feel like George Costanza or Jerry Seinfeld. I now have the blog about nothing. I cut the grass. There's a blog post. I brushed my teeth. There's a blog post. I found ointment for my rash. There's several blog posts. I've discovered a whole new avenue of inspiration. Any innocuous thing that happens in my life, I shall write about. (excluding bodily functions, you'll thank me for that later) Now, I realize my posts were borderline nap material before. But using this new tool will drive my blog to a whole new level of mediocrity. You've been warned. A pillow placed strategically on your desk to catch your head as you fall asleep is recommended. In addition, I may also just start making stuff up. If you read that I won the Nobel Peace Prize or was voted Time magazine's "Man Of The Year" well then you know I actually cleaned the flower beds or some other thing that I already wrote about but can't bring myself to write about again. Consider it artistic license. Consider it anything you want. But you have to admit, it could make for some interesting posts. Strange new rash. Now's that's good reading.