Well, here we are. Another Thanksgiving dinner in the books. Wow that went by fast. Up at 6 a.m. (actually, Linda was up at 4:30) Turkey in the oven by 6:30. Dinner at 3:00. Now we just sit here bloated, hating life. Until dessert, anyway. Speaking of dessert, Linda made a carrot cheese cake. It's half carrot cake, half cheese cake, with a cream cheese/pineapple icing. Nothing but healthy, low fat stuff here. I'm going to justify it by making the carrots my vegetable serving for the day. Lame, I know, but what the heck. We have a packed house this year. Eleven adults and eight kids. What we lacked in other areas of our life this year, God made up for in an abundance of family, food and Wii. The kids (and adults) played a lot of Wii today. Madden, Guitar Hero, etc. Lots of fun. Well, time to get off this computer and go get some of that cheese cake. Get the defibrillator ready (CLEAR!) Anyway, to all my family who I didn't get to spend Thanksgiving with this year, (Mom, Paul, Dad, Karen, Jerry, Sherri, Mike, Donna) Love you all and can't wait to see you soon! Bye.
P.S. Collin's video commercial (Halftime Ham) was voted best for the entire fifth grade!
P.S. Collin's video commercial (Halftime Ham) was voted best for the entire fifth grade!
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