Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Happy New Year!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve Visitors
Once again, our noisy neighbors are makin' a ruckus. Of course, the boys didn't help the matter any. This is what we do for entertainment over here in lower, slower, Delaware! It's how we roll, dog! Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 20, 2010
A Christmas Story
For laughter, joy, and cheer. And cornbread most exquisite.
I sat in the recliner, with Ma on my lap.
To spend time with family, and all that good crap.
Great stories were a plenty, the laughs all grew louder.
We all gorged ourselves on habanero corn chowder.
When we all finished eating all the grub we could bear
That's when we realized, the Pleffner's weren't there.
But where could they be? What could cause such a fuss?
But then we all thought "Hey, more cheesecake for us!"
But alas they arrived, and our gifts we exchanged.
Then Tom proposed something that sounded quite strange.
A Yankee gift exchange, what fun!
When it's O.K. to be selfish.
You don't like your present? Just take someone else's!
Candles for Pop Pop? Pringles for Zack?
Andy stole my beef jerky. But I soon stole it back.
Spongebob on golf balls. "Chalk, chalk, chalk" someone chants.
And what happens in the pants, stays in the pants.
But with our bellies all full, and our gifts all in hand.
It was time to draw a close to this party so grand.
What a great time we had. So sad to see it end.
But next Christmas we'll do it all over again.
And I heard Karen say, as we drove off in our truck.
"Thank God they're all gone! Now who the hell's cleaning up?"
Merry Christmas, Y'all!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
We Won!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Football Pictures
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
E-mail to Santa
Monday, November 29, 2010
Hey Kids! What Time Is It?
It's that time of year again! Matthew is once again selling gift tags for Christmas! He's offering the same designs from last year as well as two new designs. The small tags come thirty to a sheet and the large tags come ten to a sheet. And, once again, he will customize the "to" and "from" lines. Customized, printed, and mailed to your house, all for just $1.75/ sheet! But wait, there's more! Order five sheets, and the sixth sheet is FREE! Order yours today!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Backyard Sports
Please take a minute and vote for Collin and Matthew's team to be the Backyard Sports sponsored team for 2011. Coach Fred made the video and it's good. It's entry #1. You can vote once a day. Thanks for your help!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Rock Star Ravioli
Does everyone remember last year, about this time, Collin had a school project where he had to promote a product as a replacement of turkey for Thanksgiving? He called it "Halftime Ham". Well, it's Matthew's turn. Introducing "Rockstar Ravioli!" Rock on Dudes!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Great Season
Saturday, October 30, 2010
In The Books!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Football Heroes
But first things first. Dover. We play Saturday at eleven. Tune in next week for all the bone crunching details! Same brat time, same brat channel!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Where have you been?
Hello? Anybody here? Alright, I know. Four months is a long time in between posts. Busy time of year. Since I last posted, the boys' baseball season ended. My rookie season of managing went pretty well, I think. We went 8-4 and finished second in the league. Not too bad, I guess. Collin's team also finished second. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride! Oh well. We'll get'em next year. Being a lifelong Redskin fan (and possibly a fool) I can say that every year and actually mean it down deep in my soul! But onward and upward. Football season is in full swing. I'm once again assistant coaching Collin and Matthew's team. Matthew is starting right guard and Collin is starting QB. Our first real game is this Saturday. Let the madness begin! I'll let you know how it goes. Aaron is growing like a weed. He starts preschool in two weeks. I can't believe he's four already. Time's a flyin'. I think he's going to be even more stubborn than Collin, and that's no small feet. (small feet, get it?!) oh well. He's still into the whole "cop" thing. Although now his allergies are in high gear, so the skull crackin' and the body slammin' have to be done with one hand. The other hand is always holding a tissue! Not the manliest cop I've ever seen, but whatever. Oh yeah. We're now a three cat family. Look for us on an episode of "Pet Hoarders" soon. I'll spare you all the details and choices we faced, but basically: July fourth weekend, stray cat, three boys, yada,yada,yada. We now have three cats. Lame story I know, but writing about the whole saga is about as exciting as paint drying. Anyway, that's all for now. I'm not even going to say "I'll try to post more often" I'm setting the bar low these days as far as the blog is concerned. Look at it this way. If I'm too busy to post, then things are going good and I've got work and other things to keep me busy. If I start posting every day, that means no work and clear out your basement. The Mattia's are coming to a town near you! Let's pray you don't hear from me for months!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Dip, Anyone?

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Sleep Deprevation
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Now I can say this about Linda. She runs a tight ship. Sun up till sun down, she's on the ball. And our home and our family is better for it. June Cleaver on steroids, if you will. (minus the pearls.) Now with that drill sergeant mentality, it's only natural that she demands a little respect, from not only me, but especially from the boys. Lord help you if you dis' June. It's on. Not even Ward can save you then. Which brings me to my story.
Yesterday, we still had family visiting for Easter. So in the morning, there was our three boys as well as their cousins Kristopher and Cara. All the kids decided they wanted to go outside. Nice day for it. One problem. Our boys know the rules. If Aaron wants to go out, you have to be the big brothers and take him with you. Well they decided to just grab their shoes and go. Linda started calling them. "Boys! Boys!" she called.... Nothing. She proceeded to put Aaron's shoes on, growing more frustrated by the minute. You have to understand one thing. Three days with Collin, Matthew, Aaron, and Kristopher in the same house, and something's gonna give. And it gave. Linda took Aaron outside and found the boys playing under one of our trees in the front yard. She also found our neighbor outside of her house working on her yard. No matter. I guess she thought if they hadn't moved by now, then they must be used to it. So once again she called, only a little louder this time. They were all the way across the yard, after all. "BOYS!!!" ...Nothing. So a little louder. BOYYYSSS!!! ....Again, nothing. Now they've done it. They've awoke the sleeping giant. David Banner is about to go green on their little butts. She bellows in a Hulk Hogan-esk voice. ( "The Hulk-a-maniacs are gonna get ya, brother!!") BOYYYSSS!!!, she yells. Finally, they look up at her. Then she let's it fly. "When I call "boys" , if you've got a penis, you better answer me!" Well, that got their attention. And the neighbor's as well. Little boys hate when you refer to "that" in public. It's like kryptonite is to Superman. Anyway, they decided to not only answer her, but to come to where she was standing and find out what she wants. Mission accomplished. Order restored. Respect earned. End of story.
So if you're wondering how a seemingly timid woman consistently defeats attempts at anarchy in a house full of males, there you have it. Oh, she just called me. If I want to keep mine, I better go see what Colonel Cleaver wants. I hope it's not those pearls.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Here We Go Again? Maybe Not.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Grass Cutting
Friday, March 26, 2010
Dinner, Anyone?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Science Fair Update!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Dancin' Fool
P.S. If you want to see something really funny, after the video has played, grab the little doohickey (technical term, you wouldn't understand) and back it up to the beginning of the video. The still shot that it shows is better than the whole video. He reminds me of Lucky the Leprechaun!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
You Want Fries With That?
Hey Guys. Check out our new potato cannon. We made it as part of Collin's science fair project. The burning question he's going to answer is "Which type of potato flies farther when shot from a potato gun; russet, sweet, or white?" The first video yielded no conclusive facts. Truthfully, I think our cannon needed some Viagra. It's hard to tell on such a small screen, but the potato flies out of the barrel and goes a whopping 3 feet. Hence the laughter you hear. We made some minor adjustments and in no time, we had spuds a flyin'! The second video shows the potato flying across our yard into our neighbor's yard. At the end of the day, the white potato flew farthest with an average distance of 361 feet. We'll let you know how he does in the science fair. The longest shot we got off was a killer 396 feet! That one actually went past our yard, past our next door neighbor's yard, and landed in the neighbor's yard two houses down! That one sent the boys running. When we were done, we took the left over potatoes and shot them in the opposite direction into the pond behind our other neighbor's house. We're expecting the strongly worded, well organized list of grievances to arrive any day now from the homeowners association. "You might be a redneck if your homeowners association files a complaint against you about firing your potato cannon!" There goes the property values.
P.S. Thank you Karen for the book on how to build the cannon! You should take pride in the fact that you contributed to my children's delinquency.