First, let me say, I know this is the first post since like Christmas, or something. Hey, get over it. Honestly, it's been quiet here. Nothing really to talk about. Unless you consider cutting firewood or suffering from dry winter skin itch, interesting topics. Yup, we live in the fast lane here. On the cutting edge, baby! We did survive the "Blizzard of 2010". We lost electric from about 1:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Saturday. Luckily, we had the fireplace going and plenty of wood stockpiled, so we were good to go. This is the boys' first big snowstorm. They were diggin' it. Literally. They lasted about an hour into the big Sunday dig-out when the urge to assault each other with snow took over. That was all she wrote. I flew solo for the next 5 hours shoveling while they were in search of the biggest drift to bury themselves in. I managed to get a little over half way down the driv
eway when my neighbor from two houses down showed up with his industrial size snow blower. Thank you Ron! The first half took me six hours. The second half, 15 minutes! He is a Wilmington firefighter and was on duty during last weekend's storm. His wife was by herself stuck in the house, so after I plowed our driveway, I plowed them out. My tractor and plow didn't have a prayer against this storm, though. The snow in some spots was actually taller than the tractor itself! Anyway, enough of that. We all have our snow shovels to bare. On a different topic, Collin and Matthew both made honor roll again this marking period. Collin originally had a "D" in social studies, which would obviously take him out of the running for honor roll. The only problem was we didn't receive any notes or e-mails or calls from his teacher. He got an "A" in this class last marking period. We couldn't understand how this could happen, and with no courtesy call from his teacher. They both bring home "Thursday Notes" which sums up that week in school. If you bring home home a note marked "good", then no problems. If you bring home an "unsatisfactory" note, that means you got a bad grade on a test or didn't turn in an assignment or something. We received no "bad" Thursday notes or anything. Our first clue something was going on was when he brought home his report card. Well, needless to say, this did not sit well with us. I called his teacher the following day and asked her what was going on. She said Collin didn't turn in a report (that we knew he turned in because we helped him with it) and two Weekly Readers. So he received zeros for those three assignments. Her original answer was that she should have notified us sooner of his issues, but that she'll definitely do better at communicating this marking period. But the grade stays. No,no,no,no,no. I don't think so. Anyway, to make a excruciatingly long story a little less long, a call to the principal and a face to face with his teacher Friday morning and viola! Honor roll assembly Friday afternoon. The truth was he turned in the report and they lost it and he didn't put his name on the two weekly readers. Stupid on his part, yes. But worthy of zeros? No. We already told Collin that next time he gets marked down for forgetting his name, he owns it. Not only that, but we expect "A" honor roll this marking period. No excuses. Well anyway, that's all for now. I've bloviated enough. (I learned that word from Bill O'Reilly!) Talk to you soon.
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