Look at that face. Angelic. The face that could do no wrong. Who could ever stay mad at a face like that? Well, I've got news. The owner of this face, our precious, innocent, little man.... has gone rogue. Yup, it's happened. He's told his first lie. Well, technically not his first, but his first doosey. This lie was of such proportion, required such imagination, and literally several minutes of planning (which, for a four year old, is the longest continuous thought he's ever had)that it warranted a post on the blog so that it can be immortalized forever. This post will probably resurface years from now and cost him a scholarship or that big job promotion, but it makes for good reading now, so he'll have to get over it.
The other day, Aaron asked me to get him down a toy from a high shelf. In hindsight, the fact that the toy he wanted was on a high shelf should have given me a clue, but you know, duh, whatever. You gotta hand it to him. Linda was home, but he didn't ask her to get it down. He knew. "Ask the big dumb one" he probably thought. Anyway, after getting him down the toy he asked for, I went back downstairs. Aaron stayed upstairs to play. Several minutes later, he came downstairs and reported that the carpet by his room was wet, and that Lucy did it.(Lucy is one of our cats) Linda's first thought was that the cat peed on the carpet. Logical first thought considering the problems we've had in that department in the past. So upstairs to investigate. When she got upstairs, she did find wet carpet outside of Aaron's bedroom, but when she leaned over to smell it, no odor. Hmmm... Strange. It was about that time that she noticed the large wet spots on Aaron's shirt and pants. Then she saw the toy that he was playing with. Come to find out, the toy he asked me for was a Hotwheels Car Wash. Yeah, the kind that requires water. So, of course, Linda's first question was, "Who got this down for you?" "Daddy", he replied. Nark. Anyway, now the picture was becoming clearer, so she went to Aaron's bathroom. And what do you know, water everywhere. "Aaron, what did you do?" she asked. "Nothing!" he cried. "Well, where did all the water come from?" She asked. His answer? Wait for it..... "Lucy did it!" Yeah that's what he said. But wait, it gets better. He then proceeded to further implicate Lucy. He told Linda that Lucy was playing in the water, and not only made the mess on the bathroom floor, but then she got water in her mouth, went out into the hallway, and spit it out on the carpet. And he had witnessed it all. Now, either Lucy is possessed by evil cat spirits who like to throw little boys under the bus, or we have a little boy with a wild imagination. I vote the latter. Although an evil cat who goes around getting little boys in trouble would make for even better reading. Anyway, after a long discussion about the pitfalls of lying, he "spilled" his guts. And after some time in the corner, everything went back to normal in Aaron's world. The scary part of this story is that's he's only four. I can't wait to hear the stories he'll tell when he's a teenager. He better hope he's still got that angelic face. It may be his only hope.
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