Well, it' happened. In our house, the blind are definitely leading the blind. Aaron just got his first pair of glasses. But unlike Collin and I who are both nearsighted, he is nearsighted, farsighted, and has an astigmatism in both eyes. He didn't know what he was missing until Saturday when we picked up his glasses. And while I'm on the subject, I'm not sure of the correct use of the term. I know some people that say "He's got a stigmatism" Like stigmatism is the proper name. Now I know it's proper name is astigmatism, but am I using it correctly? You wouldn't say "He's got a cancer" You'd say "He's got cancer", or whatever. So is it a noun? Or a verb, or something else? Perhaps it's like the F word. Now there's a versatile word. So many uses. It's a noun. "You stupid F" It's a adjective. " Where's the F ing remote?! (used that one before. Sorry Mom) It's a verb. I'm not going there. Anyway. Some help with my grammar problem would be appreciated. Please leave your suggestions in the comments section.
The Memorial Day party went well. or as we like to call it, "Mattiapaloozastock". 16 tents, 63 people, 17 pounds of pork, 40 pounds of chicken, every sidedish known to man, and two campfires. The only things missing were the drugs, the mud, the free love, and Janis Joplin. It was a good time. But I'm glad it's over. I've never put out so much garbage to the curb as I did that following trash day. WOW! We definitley owe the trash man a six pack at Christmas!
Anyway, that's all for now. Time to go play baseball! Now where are my F ing keys? Love that word. By all!
You said you didn't know what Aaron was missing until Saturday - I'm thinking he really DID see Lucy with that water. And you doubted him.....poor little guy. With a Dad who doesn't believe him and ALSO can't use grammar correctly (not to mention F-bombs), well, he's got a hard road ahead of him!
They're not F Bombs. They are sentence enhancers. Fancy talk, if you will.
Yea verily.
- Spongebob
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