Well, here we are again. Another spring approaching. And Mike talking about, you guessed it, baseball season! Oh well. When your life revolves around your kids' sports seasons, that's the way it goes. Some interesting news, though. I was only going to manage Aaron's T-ball team this season and just assistant coach whatever team Matthew got drafted to. When one of the major league teams became available this year, they asked me to manage it. I declined. Only because Matthew really wanted to try to get on another team. So I told them that I was just going to go where Matthew goes and coach there. But I also told them if they couldn't find anyone else and there won't be a Cubs team because of it, I would do it. Well, do I really have to tell you what happens next? I got the call on Monday. "Uh, Mike? Tryouts are Saturday and we don't have a manager for the Cubs." Fast forward to this morning, Collin, Matthew and I were at tryouts evaluating prospects for the 2012 Cubs. It's all good. Must be part of the plan. The only thing that stinks is the Cubs came in second place last season (they lost the championship game to Collin, myself and the Braves!) so they get second to last pick in the draft this year. And when I say they, I now mean me. There is some pretty decent talent coming up this year, so it won't be too bad. Of course, this is the view from behind my rose colored glasses. We'll see how not too bad it is come June!
Just a quick side note. Just a peak into a Saturday night at the Mattia house. Aaron is playing NCAA 12 football on the Xbox while I'm sitting on the couch writing this. After a play, he says, "I'm gonna go medieval on your hiney!" Meanwhile, Collin is on the love seat across from me. On his laptop he is typing in words on some Google program that speaks whatever you say. A very monotone sounding female says, "Aaron, you smell like pooh". "Aaron picks his nose". Ahh, who says technology has killed good quality family time?
Anyway, in other news, Collin and Matthew both were selected "Distinguished Students" for their scores on Delaware Comprehensive tests, or something like that. Whatever it was, they scored high on it and are being recognized, along with a bunch of other brainiacs, by the school board on Monday evening.
We found out yesterday that Collin was selected to the National Junior Honor Society. Now he's got to keep his grades up and do some community service hours. Should look good on a college application, though. Super proud!
Had a really good time a couple of weeks ago seeing everyone. Can't wait for the next one. Still waiting for some pictures to be posted on someone else's blog! By the way, I did not take anyone else's doggy bag. Great idea though. If I were smart enough to think of it myself, I might have done it. Good food will make you do strange things! Anyway, please let us know when and where the next one is. Doesn't matter to us.
Talk to you soon.
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