Matthew and Collin, with their football teams, marched in the Lewes Christmas Parade on Sunday and the Rehoboth Christmas Parade on Monday. I've attached some pictures. We had a great time at both. We are really blessed to be living in an area where some old fashioned values and traditions are still on full display. Both parades were very well done. They included various marching bands, local fire departments, local businesses, and several "Little Miss ( fill in the blank)" riding on convertibles, waving to the cr

owd. They even had several (are you sitting down?) mobile nativity scenes. That's right. Christ in Christmas! What a concept. And the Cape Vikings High School Marching Band was actually playing "Hark!, The Herald Angels Sing". Everyone was smiling and wishing "Merry Christmas". No "Happy Holidays" here. The true meaning of Christmas
is alive and well in lower, slower, Delaware! Merry Christmas, Y'all!
P.S. Thanks to everyone for making the maiden voyage of Matthew's Print Shop a huge success! You guys are the best.
Very NICE!!! Looks like it was alot of fun. I wish I was there. I miss all of you soooooo much. xoxoxo
Very NICE!!! Looks like it was alot of fun. I wish I was there. I miss all of you soooooo much. xoxoxo Love Donna
Having fun ? sur looks like it. Hay thanks for the tags very well done. Pop Pop
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