Proverbs 16:9 - "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Journey To Bethlehem

Friday night, we made a "Journey to Bethlehem". Well, Angola actually, but you get the idea. Conley's "Living Nativity" is something we try to go to every year. If you want to learn, or maybe just need a refresher, on the true meaning of Christmas, this is a must see. The kids really love it. A shephard/tour guide leads your small group of about 10 to 12 through the journey. You stop at several different scenes and actors tell you a story and how it relates to the birth of Jesus. From the threshing floor of Bethlehem, to the visit of Gabriel to Mary, to the wise men and King Herod, to the birth in a manger. It's all there and very well done. They even have Roman soldiers, who occupied Bethlehem at the time, collecting taxes and swearing their allegiance to King Herod. I'm glad we went Friday and didn't wait until Saturday to go. We wouldn't have made it with all the ice and snow. I've included some pictures of the manger scene and the three crosses. I've also included a picture of the other "angels" that visited Bethlehem. As you can tell from the picture, the Bethlehem Wawa has a thriving business this time of year. I'm pretty sure I saw the three wise men in line in front of me. Gold, incense, and pumpkin spice cappuccino. God IS good.

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