Proverbs 16:9 - "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ya Happy Now?

Due to harassment from a certain family member, I'm blogging again, but this time with a broken finger. (Thanks KB!) 

Yes, I know.  My last post was in March. But really, there hasn't been much to talk about. With the exception of baseball season, going to Disneyworld, winning a baseball tournament, breaking my finger, and oh yeah, giving birth to a three year old girl, there hasn't been much to write about.  Anyway, the picture below is the "proof" I was required to show.  If you look close you'll see that little piece of bone kind of floating out there.  That's supposed to be attached. The ligament from the tip of my finger ripped out from the next bone up and took a piece of the bone with it.  Hopefully when I go back to the doctor next week, it will be healing properly.  If it's not, than I will have to have surgery on it. That would suck.

Anyway, that's all for now.  I know it's short, but it's getting late so get over it!

Talk to you soon. Maybe!


Sherri said...

What, did someone hit you in the nose?

Mike said...

I normally don't dig knuckle deep, but as fate would have it that day...

Anonymous said...

Anyone who gave birth to a three year old has a right to be testy you go boy.