Proverbs 16:9 - "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

Friday, December 16, 2011

Matthew is a Rock Star!

Wednesday evening, we went to Matthew's Christmas concert at school. For those of you who don't know, he plays the drums. He managed to be selected "Percussion Leader" in the 6th grade band this year. He also learned to play the bells. That's what they call it. I think it's more of an xylophone. But anyway, Matthew really took it. So much in fact, that he learned some Christmas songs on his own by practicing them here at home. He played them for his instructor, and his instructor liked them so much, he told Matthew that during the brief intermission between the 6th grade and 7th grade concert, Matthew will now be playing a solo. Frosty The Snowman. Hence, the video. The first few seconds of it are cut off. Our camera sucks. You hit record, and like 10 seconds later it starts. Also, some lady steps in front of me and temporarily blocks the view. But you can still here him playing. And you can hear the roar of the crowd when he's done. I told him to kick the bells over and raise his fists in the air when he was done, but he didn't. I don't know how he expects to be a rock star without showing a little attitude, but whatever. He told us afterwards that he was so nervous that his knees were shaking! But I guess he summoned his inner Jimi Hendricks and pushed through it! Super proud of him. I warned him that life as he knew it was done. The chicks were going to be all over him now. But so far, no luck. I told him he should have kicked those bells over. Rock on dudes!

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