Proverbs 16:9 - "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


About a month ago, Collin made a poster for school about soil conservation. The posters were judged in the school, and then the winners for each grade moved to the county, state, and then national level. Collin already knew his poster won for the school. Tonight, while he was supposed to be doing research for another project, he googled his name and a page from the state website came up announcing the winners. Collin's won for Sussex County and he won the state! His poster is now being forwarded to the national level for judging. And the best part is, nobody at the school told him about it. He just found out tonight from the state website! I've included a link to the page he found.

P.S. The poster shown on the page is not Collin's.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Way to go, Collin! I am very proud of you. When can we see your poster? Congratulations!