Proverbs 16:9 - "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sleep Deprevation

Here it is. Just before 9 p.m. on Saturday night. My eyelids feel like they have weights on them. I am really tired. Why you ask? Well even if you didn't ask, I'll tell you anyway. This morning was football sign-ups! But of course, if you want one of the coveted 35 spots on a team, you have to get there early. And when I say early, I mean 9 p.m. the night before. If you wait until sometime Saturday morning to get in line, you're out of luck. The wait outside was pretty brutal. It got cold and windy. This year I took a grill and tailgated. Then a bunch of us huddled around the "campfire" and shot the bull all night. Then, to make matters worse, the doors opened 30 minutes late. After we waited in the cold for 11 hours, they couldn't manage to get the doors open on time. They managed to get the concession stand opened by 6 a.m. sharp. But the actual sign-ups, inside where the heat is? Couldn't pull it off. They almost had a riot on their hands. So anyway, that's why I'm so tired. I've been up for going on 38 hours straight. (with the exception of a brief nap when I got home this morning after signing the boys up. Then what does my dumb a** do? I cut the grass. Brilliant, I know. Then I manage to find other things to keep me busy, right up until now. But do I go to bed? Nooo. I write on the blog! I'm a real genius. Well, now I'm so tired, I'm getting cranky with myself. Probably time to go. I've got to get up early and weed-whack!

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